Detailed Instructions for Managing Access and Visibility Settings

The following steps outline how to configure the access and visibility settings for your organization on the platform

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Step 1: Access the Access and Visibility Tab

  1. Navigate to the settings section of your dashboard.
  2. Click on the "Access and Visibility" tab. This tab is crucial for determining what information is visible and what actions can be performed by different participants.

Step 2: Configure Portfolio Visibility

  1. Show Portfolio to Participants
    • Ensure that the option to "Only show portfolio to participants" is enabled. This setting ensures that participants only see the portfolios they are part of. For example, if there are five portfolios, a participant will only see the one they are a part of.
    • Note: If the toggle for a specific portfolio is turned off, that portfolio will be visible to all participants, regardless of their participation.

Step 3: Set Distribution Pie Chart Visibility

  1. Owner Distribution Pie Chart
    • You can choose to either hide the owner distribution pie chart completely or show it.
    • If you choose to show it, you can make it anonymous by hiding the names of the owners. It is recommended to leave it on anonymous for privacy reasons.

Step 4: Adjust Visibility of Numerical Values

  1. Portfolio Value
    • Decide whether to show or hide the portfolio value. By default, this is set to show.
  2. Total Amount of Poster Receipts
    • Choose to show or hide the total amount of poster receipts.
  3. Poster Receipt Value
    • You can also decide whether to show or hide the value of individual poster receipts.
  4. Extra Company Values
    • This feature allows you to show the company value throughout the platform. This is a new feature that helps participants calculate their ownership stake in the company. If participants know the total value of their depository receipts and the total value of the company, they can determine their ownership percentage.

Step 5: Configure Transaction Settings

  1. Allowing Payment Adjustments
    • Enable or disable the option for participants to adjust the price of the effect in a transaction.
    • When making a transaction, participants can be given the ability to adjust the price per depository. Decide whether to allow or restrict this functionality.

These settings allow you to control the visibility of sensitive information and ensure that participants only have access to the data relevant to them. Adjust these settings according to your organization's policies and the level of transparency you wish to maintain on the platform.

🎥 Video instruction:

You can also watch the instructions via the video below:
