Dividends: Guide to Calculation and Distribution

Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 11.07.01

  • Calculate Dividends:

    • Determine the total dividends to be paid out. For example, if the total dividend is 10,000 euros, this will be distributed among participants who hold depository receipts.
  • Exclude Company and Zero-Balance Entities:

    • Ensure that the company itself and any entities with a zero balance are excluded from the dividend payout.
  • Distribute Dividends:

    • Calculate and distribute the dividends. For instance, if holding gets 2,000 euros, class holding gets 400 euros, and frenzy gets 7,500 euros, this should be reflected accurately.
  • Submit and Review Historical Distributions:

    • After calculating, click submit. Refresh the screen to view the historical distributions.
    • Export the distribution data as an XML file, which can be uploaded to the bank for execution.
  • Adjust for Tax Deductions:

    • If a tax deduction is required (e.g., 15% of the dividend), adjust the calculations. For example, if 1,500 euros need to be withheld, recalculate the dividends accordingly.
  • Archive Incorrect Calculations:

    • If there was an error in the initial calculation, archive the incorrect calculation to avoid false information in the annual report.
    • Process the new calculation to ensure accurate reporting.


🎥 Video instruction:

You can also watch the instructions via the video below:

