Preparing the Annual Accounts: A Comprehensive Guide

Preparing the annual accounts is a crucial aspect of entrepreneurship. It provides an overview of a company’s financial performance and position over a fiscal year. Although many entrepreneurs use the terms annual report and annual accounts interchangeably, there are significant differences between these documents. In this article, we will delve into what the annual accounts entail, its components, and the legal obligations related to submitting these documents.

What is an Annual Report?

An annual report is a document in which a company reviews its activities and achievements from the past year. It provides a broader perspective on business activities, strategies, and successes. The annual report serves as a communication tool for stakeholders such as shareholders, banks, business partners, and employees.

Contents of an Annual Report

The contents of an annual report can vary per company but typically include:

  • Organization Profile: Description of the vision, mission, marketing strategies, and objectives.
  • Work Methods and Successes: Overview of the methods used to achieve goals and the successes obtained.
  • Financial Information: Limited financial data, with the full financial situation detailed in the annual accounts.

For small businesses, an annual report may be just a few pages, while larger enterprises often prepare more extensive reports.

What are the Annual Accounts?

The annual accounts are an integral part of the annual report, providing a detailed overview of the financial performance of a company over the fiscal year. It consists of three main components:

  • The Balance Sheet: Provides a snapshot of the company’s financial position on the last day of the fiscal year, detailing assets, liabilities, and equity.
  • The Income Statement: Shows the results of business activities over the fiscal year, with an overview of revenues and expenses, and the resulting profit or loss.
  • The Notes: Clarifies and specifies the figures in the balance sheet and the income statement, and may include additional information on valuation principles and significant events after the balance sheet date.

Obligations Regarding the Annual Accounts

Many companies are legally required to submit annual accounts to the Chamber of Commerce (KVK) each year. According to Dutch law this includes:

  • Private limited companies (BVs);
  • Public limited companies (NVs);
  • Cooperatives and mutual insurance societies;
  • Associations and foundations with a business that have had at least €6 million in revenue for two consecutive fiscal years;
  • Limited partnerships (CVs) and general partnerships (VOFs) where all general partners are foreign capital companies.

Sole proprietorships are not required to submit annual accounts to the KVK but must still prepare one for their own administration.

Submitting the Annual Accounts

In the Netherlands most companies must submit their annual financial statement digitally to the KVK. In some cases, this can also be done by mail. The exact procedures and deadlines for submission can be found on the KVK website.

Annual Accounts for Sole Proprietorships (ZZP’ers)

Sole proprietorships are not required to prepare or submit an annual report to the KVK. However, preparing annual accounts is crucial for their own administration and for filing income tax returns. Additionally, annual accounts may be necessary when applying for a business loan or mortgage.

Importance of Accurate Annual Accounts

Preparing accurate and detailed annual accounts is not only a legal obligation for many companies but also an important tool for internal business management. It helps entrepreneurs gain insight into their company’s financial health, make strategic decisions, and be accountable to stakeholders.


Preparing annual accounts requires care and precision. By understanding what should be included in annual accounts and meeting the required obligations, entrepreneurs can ensure their company remains financially healthy and compliant. Whether it is reporting to the KVK or gaining insight into internal operations, good annual accounts are essential for the success of any business.

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