Sharelink: Instructions for Setting Up and Using

Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 10.28.22

Step 1: Understanding Sharelink

  1. Purpose: The Sharelink feature allows users to add a button to their website that directs people to a page where they can buy deposits, receipts, bonds, or other financial instruments from your company.
  2. Usage:
    • Private Use: Only accessible to a private group of employees or participants.
    • Public Use: Accessible to anyone on the internet who can find and click the button, register on the platform, and make purchases.

Step 2: Compliance with Regulations

  1. Public Offering Regulations:
    • Adhere to rules and regulations set by the Authority of Financial Markets in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe.
    • Prepare necessary documentation such as a memorandum or prospectus.
    • Obtain necessary approvals from regulatory authorities if required.
  2. Service Scope:
    • Our platform provides the technical capability to generate the URL for the Share Link.
    • We do not handle regulatory compliance or communication with financial authorities.

Step 3: Configuring the Sharelink

  1. Enabling Sharelink:

    • Decide whether to allow new participant registrations.
      • Allow Registration: This makes it a public offering.
      • Disallow Registration: Restricts access to already registered users on the platform, typically employees or a limited group of participants/investors.
  2. Setting Purchase Limits:

    • Define the minimum and maximum amount of deposits or receipts that can be purchased.
    • With the MOLLIE payment provider, set a maximum limit that can go up to 50,000 euros for direct investment.
  3. Obtaining the Payment Portal Link:

    • Generate and receive the link for the payment portal.
    • Integrate this link underneath the Sharelink button on your website.
      • For public offerings, place it on your public website.
      • For internal transactions, place it on your internal dashboard.

Step 4: Post-Purchase Redirect and API Integration

  1. Setting Up Redirects:

    • Configure the platform to redirect users to a specific URL after a purchase.
    • This could be a landing page on your website that provides additional information or congratulates the user.
  2. Using the API for Webhooks:

    • If you have a membership platform or another system that needs to be notified of transactions, use our API to set up a post-webhook.
    • This requires technical knowledge to implement.
    • Example use case: Displaying a banner notification for each new transaction.

🎥 Video instruction:

You can also watch the instructions via the video below:



By following these steps, you can effectively set up and manage the Sharelink feature on your website, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and providing a seamless purchasing experience for users. For technical implementations and further customization, ensure you have access to developers with the necessary expertise.