Instructions for Managing Documents

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This section of the knowledge base will guide you through the process of managing documents that need to be attached to every transaction in a specific portfolio. It is important to distinguish between the document location discussed here and the document button on the dashboard.

Steps for Managing Documents

  1. Accessing the Document Location

    • Navigate to the specific portfolio for which you need to manage documents.
    • Locate the document section that is designated for receiving attachments for every transaction within this portfolio. This is different from the document button on the dashboard.
  2. Understanding Document Attachments

    • Every transaction within the selected portfolio will automatically include an attachment if it has been configured in this section.
    • For example, you may see a document titled "akte van uitgifte certificaten" (in Dutch), with the toggle turned on for attaching it to transactions.
  3. Adding a New Document

    • To add a new document:
      1. Click on the "Add more attachment" button.
      2. A pop-up window will appear where you can select the desired document.
      3. After selecting the document, ensure you toggle the option to "Attach to Transaction" to enable it for all transactions within the portfolio.
  4. Managing Existing Documents

    • If you need to remove a document from being attached to transactions, you can turn off the toggle next to the document name.
    • This action will prevent the document from being sent with future transactions.
  5. Testing Document Attachments

    • After configuring the documents, it is advisable to test the setup.
    • Confirm that the documents are correctly attached to every transaction as intended. This can include essential documents like the articles of association or the deed of incorporation.
  6. Setting Document Recipients

    • You can specify who receives these documents:
      • Options include everyone involved in the transaction, only employees, only founders, or other specific groups.
      • Make the selection based on the requirements for the transaction and the role of the recipients.

Important Notes

  • Remember to differentiate between the document location for portfolio transactions and the general document button on the dashboard.
  • Ensure that the toggle for "Attach to Transaction" is correctly set for each document to avoid any confusion or errors in document delivery.

🎥 Video instruction:

You can also watch the instructions via the video below:

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